So many changes have happened in our lives since 2006 but one thing has stayed the same..... i still have the most amazing children!!
I will start posting my "Little Things" here, as well as some pictures for you all to see.
So, here are my little things for today..
1. Today was Gabe and I's Anniversary (two years). We had a nice dinner at Carrabbas (a fave of both of ours!) last night.
2. The anticipation to see my kids every Monday after school.
3. Shopping with Gabe for Amanda's gift. Gabe always gets people the best gifts! I am sure she is going to LOVE it! I know i do!!!
4. Baby Gabriel quietly sitting on my lap while i blog. :)
5. A hot bath on a cold night.
6. Emma still wanting to help with the baby every single night. (it never gets old for her)
7. Starbucks Caramel Brulee Latte
8. A later than normal dispatch time for Gabe.
9. Only having 15 pounds to loose to get back to my "pre pregnancy weight".
10. Watching Gabe with the baby.
11. More well deserved straight A's on my kids progress reports.
12. Hand-me-down baby clothes.
13. Packages (Christmas presents) on my door step when i get home. (this one was Bill's bat warmer. i am still trying to figure out why you would need to warm a bat?? lol)
14. Seeing my Papa for a few minutes the other day. He always brings a smile to everyone's face, whether they know him or not.. he is a riot!
15. Being a (temporary) stay at home mom.
16. Catching Emma on video when she has no idea i am taping her. (she was looking up Just dance 2 videos on Youtube and copying the moves)
1st off I miss u soooo much! 2nd off I too <3 the carmel brulee at starbucks! 3rd gabe is too cute {both of them} 4th I can't wait to see u in August!