3.5 weeks old
A big thank you to Christine for Gabriel's Christmas outfit. I love it. Thanks Christine!
Jacob 10 years old
Jordan, 8 years old
Emma, 6 years old
All four of my little blessings
3. My mom being so kind and picking the kids up from school for me.
Todays Little things:
1. Getting the babys Social Security card in the mail.
2. A gift from Devon Pawless for Baby G. Thank you, Devon!!!
4. A new picture with all four of my kids.
5. Attempting to take a picture of all four of the kids WITH the two dogs... lets just say we will try again some other time.. the dogs did not cooperate. lol.
6. "What-ever-you-can-find-for-dinner" nights.
7. Turning the heater just a little bit warmer.
8. Jacob asking to hold the baby for the first time ever. And he even fed him! So cute sitting back and watching him be such a great big brother.
9. Lindor Truffles - Coffee from Roz.
10. Emma continuously trying to give me hints (even tho i already know what it is but, pretend i don't) for the gift that Jordan bought me for Christmas. Of course she doesn't try to spoil the surprise on the gift SHE bought me.. lol
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