The Butterfly
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For a while now, i have noticed this same butterfly hanging around on my back porch. It makes me smile everytime i see it. why? it reminds me of my cousin shannon. she LOVED butterflies. and everytime i see one fluttering around i think of her. we were raised as sisters. her mom was a single mom and always lived in the same house as us. shannon and i were VERY close. she died just after i got pregnant with my first son. she was so excited when she found out about the pregnancy. unfortunately she never got to meet jacob. she was killed in a car accident in feb. of 2000.
recently, a very good friend of mine's son passed away. his name is Colin . he was such an inspiration to all of us and he will be dearly missed. just yesterday something caught my eye in the back porch. it was a brand new butterfly. there are now two butterflies fluttering around on my back porch. how interesting is that???
{{{hugs}}} tara. what a sweet butterfly.