i did some body beauty shopping today! Dh was so kind to let me have an afternoon off from the kids and he stayed home with them while i went to Target and to the mall. it was SO nice not having to load and unload all three kids and go into the store and look at what *I* want in peace. lol.
I started at target and the tank tops that i wanted werent marked down at this location (like they are in the next town over) so i didnt get any. i was going to get a drink from starbucks but the lines were so long i decided to skip it :(
so i then headed to the mall. my first stop was old navy to see if they had any jean shorts. they had no jean shorts for the "pleasently plump moms" out there lol. all they had were these daisy duke cut offs that would probably show my cheekes at the bottom lol and that is scary! so i left there and headed for
Victoria Secret. they are having their semi-anual sale right now and i have been wanting a bra. so i got
a very sexy bra, an angels bra, and i also got a pair of "i love pink" underwear :)
so, as if i didnt spend enough in VS, i haded over to
B&BW. i got two of each of the following (one for me and one for a friend):
creamy coconut lotiontemptations shimmer tropical colada Temptations Shimmer Lotion Pomegranate Martini (this is my NEWEST favorite lotion. the shimmer is perfect, not too much and not too little and the smell is so fresh and clean smelling.)
and then i got a couple pearberry lotions were 75% off so they rang up just over 2.00.
so i had fun. i had fun coming home and organizing all of my lotions. i put it all up on a shelp with my
philosophy stuff so its all nice and pretty in my bathroom :) oh the things that amuse and make me happy lol.