I hope everyone had a
Merry Christmas! This Christmas was a lot of fun. My kids were very blessed this year.
We had a pretty organized morning (yay!). Well as "organized" as a morning could be with a 5 week old, 5 year old, 6 year old, 7 year old, 8 year old and a 10 year old all anxious to open their gifts.
The girls woke up first. I was able to "grab" them before they went out to the living room to see if "Santa" came or not.. I had them take baths while I woke the boys up and then had them bathe and get dressed.
That was always the worst part of Christmas day when I was younger. I always hated to have to stop playing with my new toys to take a bath and get ready for the day, so i wanted to go ahead and get it out of the way.

Matt had great timing and got here just as the girls were waking up. he was able to bring his gifts by the tree before they all came out to the living room.
Of course, we carried on our tradition and had cinnamon rolls for breakfast. This was a tradition that my mom started with my sisters and i when we were kids and it was something that i have carried on for my kids as well.
This year we did one "big" item for each of the kids (of course they have to share those big items). :)
Jacob got a laptop
Jordan was so funny when he opened his big gift.. he was shaking with excitement!
Emma got a Wii as well. (we got two Wii's for them so that we could put one Wii in the girls' room and one in the boy's room.)
Emy and Isabella both got DSi's. They were so excited because when they were here during the summer they wanted to play with Emma's, now they have their very own!
Is it just me or does Emy look like Selinda Gomez in this picture? :) she is so beautiful!
Matt got Emma a cupcake full of play desserts. The girls love to put Grandmother's aprons on and pretend they are waitresses just like Grandmother.
Isa with her new PJ's
Jacob and the
ripstick Matt bought him. Have you ever attempted to get on one of these things? I guess its a 2000's skateboard, but only a million point five times harder!
Jordan and the skateboard that Jacob and Daddy got him.
Shopping for my kids at Christmas is never easy. They have never given us a list of things that they want. I have stopped asking them because anytime i have ever asked them what they want their response has always been "i will be happy with whatever you get me". One year Emma added "as long as i get girl toys" i guess she was worried she would get all "boy toys". ?? lol. But anyway, Jacob had been trying to save up his money so that he could get this game. He had been wanting it since it came out, so he was SUPER excited when he opened this gift.
Matt bought Jordan a "small" pocket knife. We both thought this would be a good "starter" pocket knife. Jacob has one and we both felt that Jordan would be ready for a smaller one at this age. He was so cute all day, he kept pulling it out of his pocket showing everyone.
The kids finished opening their gifts, they got numerous games for the Wii and PS3, books, clothes, pj's ect. and then we packed up and headed for Grandmother's house.
Baby G looked so cute in his little Gymboree Christmas outfit that Mrs. Christine bought for him.
Once we got to Grandmothers house the kids were so excited to see all of the presents. Grandmother spoiled all 7 of the Grand kids this year. Thank you Grandmother!!!
Oh and i have to tell you about the yummy Christmas dinner she worked so hard on. She made the best meatballs and lasagna (another Christmas day tradition) only i think this batch of lasagna was by far the best she has ever made!
The best Grandmother ever!
Emma and Skylar (my adorable niece) opening their gifts.
Emy about to open her gifts.
All three of the girls got the Hello Kitty DS games and cases. They all three LOVE Hello Kitty.
Jordan and Jacob both got remote control 4 wheelers.
Emma and some of her gifts from Grandmother and Grandpa Bill.
This year the adults all drew names. I got Bills name and he got a Bat warmer. Mommy drew Melinda's name and she got clothes. Amanda drew Ashleys name and she put in money towards her ipod touch. Melinda drew Gabes name and he got Versace Cologne. Bill drew my name and i got money for work clothes. Ashley drew Mommy and she got a Gators shirt and a knife set. And Gabe got Amanda's name. Now i have to tell you how we were all jealous that Gabe drew AMANDA's name. We all know that Gabe buys the best gifts. So what did Amanda get? She got a leather COACH wallet!!!
Isn't it pretty??
So after we were all finished opening gifts the kids headed outside to ride their Skateboards, ripstick, and bikes. (Jordan and Emma also got new bikes)
After we left Grandmothers the fun didn't end there. We headed back home and the kids were ready to set up their Wii's and play with their new stuff. the girls played
Just Dance 2
All day i could help but to count all of my blessings and to think of the American Military families who were not as fortunate this year. My thoughts were with the Military families who had to spend Christmas without family members because they are away serving our country.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and I hope everyone has a safe New Years.